How To Create A Marketing Video

When it comes to online marketing, a company has many options available to them. From email marketing to blogging, social media and online adverts there can almost be too much choice. If you want to go a step further – perhaps because you have something special to promote – why not consider putting together a marketing video? Again, the possibilities are almost endless and the great thing is you can also tie it up with you social media marketing strategy by posting links on Facebook and Twitter. 

To give you some idea of what resources you might need, here are some of the steps involved in putting out a video:

Decide What You Want To Achieve: Do you want to launch a new product or are you looking to broaden your market appeal? Your video should be tailored to bringing about whatever it is you want to achieve. For this, think about your target audience and what you want them to take away from your video. Usually you would want them to be inspired to share it with as many people as possible so it should be something unique that grabs them from the outset.

Who Will Be In It?: Is your video going to be more of a behind-the-scenes look at your company, a how-to lecture or more of a traditional advertisement? For the first two you will need to find members of your company who are happy being in front of the camera. Or, if you are putting together a more light-hearted advert or viral marketing campaign then you’ll also need to think about hiring some actors.

Who Will Make It?: If you have an in-house team for projects like this, all well and good. But bear in mind that there is a lot of skill involved in making a really effective video so if you don’t have the in-house expertise it’s worth hiring an expert video marketing agency. Even if you want to write the scripts, storyline and so on yourself you will still need someone to put it together in a professional way. After all, releasing a poorly made video will ultimately do your company’s reputation more harm than good.

Where Will You Place It?: Once you’ve put a video together that you’re happy with you need to think about where it is going to ‘live’. YouTube is one of the most obvious choices as it gets an incredibly high amount of traffic and covers pretty much any subject you can think of. Just make sure you have included a back-link to your website. You could also do it the other way round and place the video directly on your site and have links from your social media feeds. Another option is to find websites dedicated to your particular sector and see if they are willing to publish your content. 

Measuring Performance: Of course, there is no point releasing this kind of material unless you can also find out whether it has been worthwhile. You should be able to get data from wherever it is syndicated through a video marketing platform. This should include not only how many people have clicked on your video, but which kinds of customers are watching and for how long. This gives you a way of quantifying the results so if you release another video you can work on ways to improve its overall performance.