A Social Media Warning When Looking For a Job

It’s no secret that employers and hiring managers take a good look at candidates’ social media profiles when deciding who’s right for the job. But what’s often overlooked is how your personal brand – i.e. how you conduct and present yourself online – can also influence your longer-term prospects.

If you’re out for a pay rise, a promotion or maybe a more prestigious job title, you better believe your personal brand will be scrutinised.

Not that any of this has to be scary. We all use social media, and we all judge those we encounter based on what we see. Hence, your job is to present yourself (and your personal brand) in the most appealing way, to those you want to impress.

This is where a few simple insights from personal branding experts can really help. Rather than making it up as you go alone, build your personal branding strategy around the following for the best possible results:

1. Choose Your Platforms Wisely

You don’t have to be active on every social network. Instead, choose those you like the most, that you’re most comfortable on, and can produce the kind of content other users find engaging. Rather than spreading yourself too thinly, it’s better to focus on building a credible presence on the networks that work for you.

2. ​Identify Your Area of Expertise

We’re all good at something, but nobody’s good at everything. On social media, you’ll always come across better if you identify what you’re best at (and most passionate about), and stick with it. Aim to build trust and authority in a specific niche, with original, engaging content that showcases your expertise.

3. Share New Content Regularly

How regularly? It depends on the platform and who you’re targeting. But as a general rule of thumb, posting once per day (or at least five times per week) is what you should be aiming for. It’s a case of keeping communication lines open with your audience, and not leaving them wondering when (if ever) you’ll be back with more.

4. Engage, Engage, Engage

The effort you make to interact with your community on social media sends a strong message to others. It’s not just about sharing great content – it’s about getting involved in the discussion, commenting on other people’s posts, responding to the comments you get, and so on. It’s where the ‘social’ aspect of social media shines, and can really give your personal brand a boost.

5. Be Authentic

Cliché as it sounds, nothing matters more than being yourself. You can try to wear a mask and put on a false pretence, but it will soon slip. Everything you do needs to consistently reflect your voice, your personality, your passion, your interests and so on. Personal branding is about getting people to respect and trust who you are – not who you are pretending to be.

 6. Join Groups

Lastly, a great way to demonstrate your commitment to your niche, industry or personal interests is to join relevant groups. This can also be the perfect way to connect with other users with similar interests, and grow your network. Just remember that social media groups are built on active involvement – not sitting silently on the sidelines while others lead the discussion.