How to Boost Your Brand’s Social Media Presence

Setting up a social media account for your brand is all well and good, but how about getting the followers you need to make a success of it?

There may be billions of social media users out there, but there are also tends of thousands of businesses just like yours competing for the same attention.

So assuming you are trying to stand out and get your small business noticed, what kind of steps can you take to make this happen?

1 – Ensure Your Profiles Are Complete and Branded
First of all, you need to make sure that your social media presence is both complete by way of information provided and extensively branded. Or in other words, it needs to not only tell your visitors everything they need to know, but also make it obvious that it belongs to your brand. Think plenty of logos, appropriate imagery and so on. Think about how the world’s leading brands make their marketing materials unmistakably theirs, using signature colours, visuals and so on.
2 – Don’t Forget Existing Customers
Don’t fall into the trap of expecting all of your existing customers to automatically make a beeline for your social media pages. You need to let them know you have set up on social media, while at the same time making it as easy as possible for them to get there. Think plenty of prominent social icons and perhaps even an incentive or two to entice them. Never forget that customer retention can be easier, cheaper and more profitable than trying to win over newcomers, so look after them well.
3 – Focus On Sharable Content
The most powerful content of all when it comes to social media is the kind of content that prompts sharing. It is basically the digital version of word of mouth, which essentially means your customers spread the word and market your business on your behalf.  Don’t just post for the sake of it – post material that is relevant, of genuine value and highly sharable. Visual content like videos, images, infographics and so on have proved to be vastly more sharable over recent years than standard text-based content.
4 – Interact Consistently
Try not to view your social media pages as one-way tools for marketing.  Instead, they should be viewed and used as two-way channels of communication, giving you the opportunity to interact and engage with your target audience.  The more involved you are, the more likely your customers are to respond positively. Conversely, keep yourself out of the picture and they’ll find it much harder to engage with both your content and your brand in general.
5 – Avoid The Hard Sell
Last but not least, try to remember that the keyword when it comes to success with social media is ‘social’. This is not a place to simply promote and advertise products, services and how fantastic you are in general - it is a place to build meaningful connections, genuine engagement and authority.