How To Keep Your Website Hompage A High Retention Homepage

It’s been estimated that visitors to a site’s homepage are anything from 10 to 20 times more valuable than those who land on your other pages directly. Why? Because they’re more likely to check out more of your site, learn more about you, and have higher long-term loyalty potential.

So while side-door visits to individual product/service pages might hold high conversion potential, it’s still crucial to invest heavily in your site’s most important page of all.

The trouble is, homepage bounce rates also have a habit of being disproportionately high. Much of which comes down to first impressions, as you only have a few seconds to convince them to stick around.

What makes for a great homepage varies significantly from one business type, niche and audience to the next. But across the board, there are three things every high-retention homepage needs, to get those bounce rates under control:

1. A Clear Value Proposition

This is the make-of-break component of that all-important first impression. At a glance – or at least within a few seconds – you need to clearly communicate who you are, what you do, why you do it, and how it can benefit the visitor. But with obvious emphasis on the benefits – how you can improve the visitor’s life in some way, and why they should give you their time.

It can be text, images, animations, background videos – any combination of media you like. Assume that the visitor is sceptical, questioning whether you understand them, know what they want, and have the capacity to give it to them. Then, work on putting together a clear value proposition that instantly addresses their concerns, and shows them they’ve made the right choice.

2. Smart Calls-to-Action

If the first thing you see on a website is “BUY NOW”, it doesn’t inspire confidence. It gives the impression the business is really only bothered about making sales – not delivering value. CTAs can wonders on homepages (and elsewhere), but you need to use them strategically. Chances are, most of them aren’t quite ready to buy just yet.

For example, smart homepage CTAs could include “View Our Work”, Learn More About X” or “See Y in Action”. You’re still steering their journey in the right direction, but in a far less abrasive, sales-hungry way. With relatively few exceptions, your homepage is no place for the heard-sell.

3. Simple Navigation

Quite often, the single best way to get first-time visitors to stick around for longer is to give them a great navigation system. Rather than getting clever, give them a clear route to the pages they expect – “Contact Us”, “Our Work”, “About Us”, “Products” and so on. Think of the most logical next steps in the visitor's journey, and make them as visible and accessible as possible.

There’s a growing tendency among businesses to overcomplicate their navigation systems, sacrificing function for form. Which goes completely against what today's web user wants – the fastest, easiest, fuss-free access to whatever it is they want – without delays or distractions.